If you have anything you'd like to add to the character sheet, you can post it below.

[u][b]General information[/b][/u]

[b]Full name:[/b]
[b]Birth date:[/b] dd-mm-yyyy



[b]Description hair:[/b]
[b]Description face:[/b]
[b]Description body:[/b]
[b]Description body art:[/b]


[b]Clothing style:[/b]
[b]Favourite clothes:[/b]


[b]Combat style:[/b]
[b]Weapons familiar with:[/b]
[b]Taught by:[/b]


[b]Alignment:[/b] For those who need a little help with this: [url=http://gee.su/3efBV]Link[/url]


[b]Arch enemy:[/b]
[b]Other relationships:[/b]


[b]Childhood 0-5:[/b] Change ages according to your character or their race.
[b]Childhood 6-10:[/b]
[b]Childhood 11-15:[/b]
[b]adolescence 15-20:[/b]
[b]Adulthood 21-60:[/b]
[b]Elderhood 61+:[/b]
